Advanced school on Multispecies modelling Approaches for ecosystem based marine REsource management in the MEDiterranean Sea
AMARE-MED (Advanced school on Multispecies modelling Approaches for ecosystem based marine REsource management in the MEDiterranean Sea) represents an annual recurrence for PhD students, researchers and policy-makers engaged in fisheries management to learn theoretical background and practical application of models specifically developed for multispecies approaches in the framework of Ecosystem Based Marine Resource Management (EAM).
Why a school specific for the Mediterranean Sea
Ecosystem Based Marine Resource Management (EAM) approaches are particularly interesting in areas such as the Mediterranean Sea, which is spatially relatively enclosed and affected by multiple drivers and forces, from environmental and socio-economic ones, to the shared use of fisheries resources. Moreover, most Mediterranean fisheries are multi-species and multi-target, and small-scale fisheries are of great socio-economic importance.
In different parts of the world, in the last decades the focus of fishery management has shifted from an approach aiming at maximizing the catch of a single target species (single-species management) to a broader view. Such new vision considers the well-being of the marine ecosystem as a whole, as well as economic and social complexities of managing marine living resources.
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